“Sell Your House TRIPLE-FAST!” is the first of a series of articles based on some most frequently asked questions, many of which, we have answered before and are scattered throughout this site. But the times are always changing, and there are some variations and some entirely new ones this year.
Of course your home’s sale is generally considered to rest on four legs or pillars.
- Location
- Condition
- Price
- Exposure and presentation
The importance of these variables are multiplied by another – time.
Your event horizon is your time-line and your plans for the future. They will exert a tremendous influence on the primary four. Some of the four can’t be changed and some can, but at what price? Everything has a bottom line, a point of diminishing returns.
In this series, as it unfolds, we will try to discuss some concepts with a common-sense view that may be of help to you.
As always, feel free make comments here, or even call me if you need to.
Don Martin, Martin Properties, mlsDon.com (615) 973-8970